Thursday, November 1, 2007

Students seek to raise awareness about global warming

A group of Kingston High School students will participate in a national anti-global warming event Saturday at Forsyth Park, handing out environmental literature and free energy-efficient light bulbs.

U.S. Rep. Maurice Hinchey, D-Hurley, is scheduled to attend and is expected to speak briefly.

Step It Up, a national global warming advocacy group, is coordinating rallies across the nation in an effort to get the attention of lawmakers. In April, Step It Up organized a total of more than 1,400 events in all 50 states, the largest global warming awareness event in U.S. history.

Organizing the local event is Jason Prizzi, a science teacher at Kingston High School, who said his students wanted to help after they became immersed in learning about the dangers of global warming. One of the main points of Saturday's rally will be to emphasize that change can occur on a small scale.

"We want to teach people that there are things we can each do individually," Prizzi said. "Light bulbs are a big thing, turning the thermostat down a degree or two. Those small things can add up and make a difference."

The rally is scheduled for 1-3 p.m. Saturday and will include free food donated by Dallas Hot Wieners and Savona's Plaza Pizza. The first 50 people to arrive will receive a free fluorescent light bulb, courtesy of Herzog's True Value.

While his students already were familiar with global warming, Prizzi said they became particularly determined to help after watching Al Gore's documentary on the subject, "An Inconvenient Truth."

"They saw this as an opportunity to have an impact. ... They saw a way they can contribute," Prizzi said. "The overall theme is to remind people and teach them of the little things we can do to reduce our environmental impact. We also want to impress upon our politicians at this time of year that 'green' legislation is what we need."


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